Here We Go Again
First posts are hard! Especially when you’ve already introduced yourself so many times, all seemingly for the same reason: websites. Long story short, I lost my old site to a WordPress and PHP update that didn’t play well with others. Even LONGER story is that I got the site back and lost it 3 times afterward… *ugh*
What was the lesson learned? I’m not sure yet, I’ll let you know when I figure that part out. As for now, I have a MUCH more appealing portfolio and pricing section, so everything wasn’t a COMPLETE bust… and you know something else? I have a renewed sense of pride in this site as well. Hey! Maybe that was the lesson!?… Just maybe…
As I rebuild, I plan to continue the same structure as my previous iteration: share work I couldn’t (or wouldn’t) normally share on social media. That’s everything from babies to butt cheeks… and I pull no punches with that. I shoot EVERYTHING, why would I hold that back? Right?
Since we’re on the topic of not holding back or pulling punches, here’s a straight knockout for you to enjoy. She goes by ‘@_XOXOTierra‘ on social media, but we’ll call her Tierra (for all intents and purposes). Tierra is a Texas native with a deep and passionate presence. Get your thirst buckets ready.